Case Study

Redesigning Polar Puff's
E-commerce Experience

UIUX Design
E-commerce Website
Information Architecture
UIUX Design
User Research
Competitor Analysis
Have confidence and excel with your brand and business
Polar Puff is one of Singapore's oldest bakery since 1962. They started with one location and expanded island-wide with 31 stores.
I was tasked with redesigning the e-commerce website to create a seamless user journey from browsing to checkout. The goal was to modernize the site, streamline the checkout process, simplify sign-up, login and revamp the order form. This involved conducting competitor analysis, creating low to high-fidelity mockups, and gathering user feedback for continuous improvements. Ensuring the site is responsive and fast was also a priority.
Phase #1
Discovery Process


The existing website was outdated and cluttered. Issues included a complicated and information-heavy order form, and a high drop-out rate during order process.


To redesign the entire website, from login to checkout, creating a smooth online ordering experience.

Data & Insights:

Utilizing the client's data collected, it was found that most orders were placed via the mobile website, with the majority of customers being female.
75.9% users were on mobile devices
71.8% were female buyers
Phase #2
Design Process
Collaborative planning
During the ideation phase, I utilized the available data, did some research and competitor analysis to create the user journey and wireframes. Brainstorming sessions with mind maps were used to discover user needs effectively.
As the sole designer, I went through multiple design iterations. I had to present to team, incorporate feedback and make necessary revisions until the final outcome. The process was guided by client's internal research data together with the team's competitor analysis, which helped enhance the website's architecture.

User Persona:

Three key user personas were developed to guide the design: a busy professional seeking convenience, a stay-at-home middle age mom looking for family-friendly options, and a young professional wanting a quick, hassle-free shopping experience.


Developed low fidelity prototypes ensuring the site was easy to navigate and use.

User Testing:

3 participants were used to gather insights on usability, identify key issues, and enhance the design. This testing focused on how easily users navigate and interact with the website.
User Persona 1
User Persona 2
User Persona 3
Key Focus Areas & Objectives
Mobile First
Ensured the site was optimized for mobile devices, providing a seamless experience for users who primarily order via their phones.
Female Centric
Tailored the design to appeal to the primarily female demographic, which means giving attention to small details.
FUn Add to cart
Simplified the add-to-cart process, making it easy and intuitive for users to customize and order cakes.
Seamless Checkout
Created an efficient and hassle-free checkout process to reduce drop-off rates and enhance user satisfaction.
Existing Add-to-cart
Existing Checkout
Exploration process
Snippet of work-in-progress
① Multiple promo sections for client's easy customisation and to attract buyers.
★ Flexible section curated for easy duplication and adaptation for different promotions, categories or seasonal items
(eg celebrations like independence day, new year, etc.)
Cake order form
A step-by-step cake customization process prevents customers from feeling overwhelmed.
By breaking down the form input into manageable steps, customers can have a sense of excitement as the cake icon is slowly lit up
Outcome & Impact
Overview of part of the e-commerce website redesign
The e-commerce website redesign successfully addressed outdated user experience issues.
Using client research data and competitor analysis, the site was refined to offer a seamless mobile browsing and buying process. A user-centered design approach with iterative feedback and some testing led to a responsive, fast, and accessible site.


Key results included a 75% increase in mobile orders, a 30% rise in completed transactions, a 40% boost in user engagement with cake customization, and a 25% reduction in drop-off rates. The redesign modernized the site, greatly improving the user experience.

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