Essential to
Your Business

Basic Website

In just one week, you'll have a website that's not only functional but also a reflection of your unique brand!
Basic website is suitable for businesses who are looking for a simple yet effective online presence. It is perfect if your needs are straightforward without the bells and whistles of complex integrations or intricate user journeys.

Business owners who are ready to adhere to a fast-paced feedback schedule, will be in for an enjoyable experience with this efficient and impactful service!
With my streamlined process, I will assist you in preparing the necessary company assets such as copy and images to speed up the website design process.
(If you need assistance with a quick branding, I can help!)

Why it's a Good Investment

A basic website is a cost-effective solution, making it an excellent investment for those just starting or on a budget.
Essential Information
Basic website focuses on the essentials—Home, About Us, Services, Contact—providing a clear snapshot of your business without overwhelming visitors.
Time Saving
Get your online presence up and running swiftly. A basic website allows for a faster turnaround, ensuring you're visible to your audience in no time.
As your business grows, the basic website can be a foundational step, easily scalable for future expansion or upgrading.
A basic website is a cost-effective solution, making it an excellent investment for those just starting or on a budget.
Essential Information
Basic website focuses on the essentials—Home, About Us, Services, Contact—providing a clear snapshot of your business without overwhelming visitors.
Time Saving
Get your online presence up and running swiftly. A basic website allows for a faster turnaround, ensuring you're visible to your audience in no time.
As your business grows, the basic website can be a foundational step, easily scalable for future expansion or upgrading.

What's Included?

Choose a service
that suits your business needs

5-8 Page Website
for general information display
This includes the must-haves: home, about us, services, contact and one more page of your choice. If you need additional pages like blog, gallery, etc, we can always build additional pages at a discounted rate. After your website is launched, enjoy a 7-day support period to assist and answer any questions you may have.
It's essential to ensure your experience is smooth and successful!
Sign Me Up!
1 Long Form Sales Page
For promotion or product launch
A concise landing page is designed for showcasing a product or service, capturing leads, generating sales, or engaging with visitors—depending on your specific goals. It usually encourages customers to sign up for a service, make a purchase, or explore new promotions.
Sign Me Up!

How it Works


Fill out the multi-question form to make sure I can roughly gauge your brand and design needs. In the form, select and schedule our first meeting!


HELLO & let's prep
A 30-minute chat to discuss your wishlist and plan out what needs to be completed. You’ll receive a link toadd your assets like images, copy, logo, etc. If you do not have assets, you could do a quick branding session. 7 days prior to "The Design Week", we will schedule a 30 minute zoom call to make sure we are on the same page.


The Design Week!
Your active participation is key to our project's success during this week. I'd appreciate your availability (via email or Google chat) for feedback, revisions, and to keep things moving smoothly. We'll kicking off bright and early on Monday, with check-ins scheduled daily at 10:00 am and 5:00 pm.
1 hour of collaborative process to finalise design direction and content.You'll receive wireframe layout
Sit back, relax while i curate your initial design. You'll receive all design by end of day.
1st round of client feedback is due by 12pm EST. You'll receive design changes by end of day.
2nd round of client feedback is due by 12pm EST. You'll receive final design by end of day.
Ensure all your copywriting is correct.
I'll set up all necessary functions, double-check and launch!
You'll have email support for 7-days to ask any follow up questions about the website.
(no additional design is done during support period).
Need additional support after project completion?
You may subscribe to monthly maintenance from $30.

Need additional design services after project completion?
We may discuss design fee at a special rate ☺
Get your website online
24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

BASIC WEBSITE   1 Week Turnaround Time   •   BASIC WEBSITE   1 Week Turnaround Time   •   BASIC WEBSITE   1 Week Turnaround Time   •   BASIC WEBSITE   1 Week Turnaround Time   •   

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BASIC WEBSITE   1 Week Turnaround Time   •   BASIC WEBSITE   1 Week Turnaround Time   •   BASIC WEBSITE   1 Week Turnaround Time   •   BASIC WEBSITE   1 Week Turnaround Time   •   

Craft your new website together! Fill the form below to book a call.

$1,200  |  Let's Create a Website


One Week
Turnaround Time